Sign-Up to Learn Esoteric Sexual Practices! Adam's Divinity offers detailed how-to videos, FAQs and much more for men wanting to step into their sacred masculinity and learn to harness the power of their seed energy. Often called "Seminal Kung-Fu", "Semen Retention" or "Sexual Kung-Fu", join me as I show you EVERYTHING I have learned over years of practicing this most powerful art. Combining concepts and techniques from Tantra and Taoism, I demystify these ancient practices with practical , no nonsense video instruction so you can truly step into your Divine Masculinity and be the alchemist of your energy.
Monthly membership gives you access to the full video library of step-by-step exercises, techniques, concepts, frequently asked questions and more so you can go through the material at your own pace and progress at a natural pace instead of trying to rush or cram this information in.