Cosplayer from Taiwan
Like to creat some work what i crave for.
►每月主題都會更新 包含cosplay或原創
►當月的作品僅限當月 下個月則更新不同主題
►$25可解鎖錯過的月份圖包 需要再私訊
►作品是作品 關掉網站大家都要乖乖回歸現實喔
►Do not leak any content.
►Contain 20-25 photos each month.
►May have some extra selfie.
►+$25tips for taking away all photos in a single old month
►Monthly content will post on 25th of each month,and expire in 30th of next month
❤️Your sponsorship is my motivation❤️
Thank you all!!!