My name isn't John, but what's your's?
Knowings and practices
Time & space& energy& matter ๐
We are all creatures of sexuality. She creates All so beautifully, & perfectly satiated in fulfilment. As I receive, I reciprocate Her tender gifts. Vulnerably. Intimatly. Sensuously given. Love, may we dance so decadantly in the dark, amongst the stars.
For You:
โ. Love, May You Beat My Rhythm,
As I Will Float to Your Dreamy Dance.
Where We may dance Beyond the Horizon
Where the Stars Make Love to the Moon
You, la Luna, My Star, Allows My Darkened
Heart to Shine like Suns do,
Though, Fortune's Fated-Wheel will Never
Cease for Love
Believe Me.. I Battled it Until I Died...
I'll Still Wait for You There, For Love Does
Perceviere, I Will Dance to the Field
Unknown becomes Known once You've completly Received myself
always w/ love & decadence
A.Savaughn Aurelius