Hmmm such disappointment, my plan to…..clean certain funds through this fell to pieces, my lil group 👀 restructured towards something else. Those e girls called it, they said u have scammer written all over you, I prefer the term trickster bt still got some decent change eheheheh 🥱 looking at this is like looking at 5th grade homework in comparison now, certain women made the downtime quite enjoyable though so Tyyyy👀. Do u like the fake native names I came up with 😅😅 I think that one’s pretty clever, yes I stroke my metaphorical evil mustache looking at it 🥱 if only u could all see what we re cooking up secretly, tho the redundancy of the complacent effect it would have on such a crowd is quite apparent to me. To the archive, this plan entirely, like a remembrance that only few know of, so extra ahahahahahah🥱✌️