I've had some burns, and two toes amputated from my left foot. I also have a condition that's caused some deformities in my feet. I have photos of before and after that accident that caused the burns to my foot and legs. If you're into that sort of thing. I have a list of interests a mile long, but let's not list them like a certain
Music is easily in the top 3 of my interests. While I may not be able to tell you every artist name or song title, conveniently most music apps allow me to make playlist. I’d have to say my top 3 artists today are probably Tool, In This Moment, and Henry Mack.
I'm a bit of a nerd.
Movies, ugh. I could talk for hours about movies, and could likely quote a few of them. Top 3 movie franchises for me are Star Wars (if you know, you know), Marvel, and Lord of the Rings.
Oh, but we can't leave out the binge watchable television series that are out there! My television Fandom is vast!