40 something Australian, married MILF
I'm here for my own enjoyment, as much as yours. I'm married, and he absolutely adores me. I'm extremely well taken care of and provided for - this isn't something I do because I need to. And you like that.
My aim is to tease you as much as possible and always leave you wanting more.
I will take occasional custom requests - however please bear in mind that I'm not aspiring to be a hard-core porn star (even though those ladies are badass and deserve all the love).
If you want to chat to me, please tip (my time is valuable and I think it's only polite, especially if I've already made you cum).
Tip me and send your delicious cock to me - I'll send you a voice note telling you exactly what I think about it and what I'd do. I have an oral fixation and I never get tired of looking at cocks I've made hard.
Be aware that if I don't respond to your messages, I might be asleep.
Thanks for subscribing.