Hi wonderful souls and beings. One of My focuses here, is on normalizing nudity and guiding others to connecting deeper into their tantric energy and channeling it. I LOVE nature, and am an adventurer at heart. Being naked and back to our true roots as a hue-man being connected to our primal energy is who we are. We are orgasmic by nature. I love keeping my body in shape/moving. Well-being and healthy balance of mind, body, and spirit are highly important to me. Outdoor nude games and activities are my thing too such as slacklining, rock climbing, hiking, skateboard, and most outdoor sports you can think of. Snowboarding in winter as well. Everything is better naked!
FEEL FREE to join my vibration/frequency on this journey. I offer Infinite wisdom and light to share and spread to all.
I AM highly grateful and appreciative to all of you who subscribe/support me and my adventurous and loving fun.
I AM PEACE, I AM HARMONY, I AM LOVE. Namaste. 💚😃🧝🏼♂️
@kevinholtzofficial on IG