Hey Guys...
Welcome to my world!
This page has been created so that you can actually see what happens in my life when the cameras at the studios stop rolling.
These are Totally amateur videos from my private life, BTS footage while Im filming, and many clips you wont find, anywhere else.
I will be updating this page every few days.
The more subscribers I receive.
The more you tip the clips that you love...
The more I shoot for you.
Thank you so much for supporting my Videos after all these years.
This page is for the people who have given me one of the longest running careers in Gay Porn history...this page is for my Fans.
All that being said, if there is something that you want to see from me:
A specific fuck position you love. A fantasy youd like me to create. A fetish youd enjoyseeing me induldge in...
Message me.
This is your page, as much as it is