I have a special gift, I am receptive to guidance from Souce energy. Are you looking for inspiration? I am a messenger and ready to experience infinite intelligence with you right in this very moment. Join me as we discover new spiritual territory together and have conversations that have never been had. When I meditate; I have colorful, animated visualizations - and I look forward to sharing them with you in real time. I have these amazingly vivid dreams; they really could be movies on their own - and something uncannily syncronicistic usually happens during my waking hours that gives me chill bumps of delight. So many times during my day, I get natural Law of Attraction affirmations to tell me that I'm on the right path. It feels really good! I want to share this feeling with you!!! There is no way to describe it all, you just got to be a part of it, and that is what we are going to do here. We are going to share all the fun together.