Reasons to subscribe to my cock.
1) Aestheti)cally pleasing to the eye (most important)
2) I have a big dick, that actually surpasses the BDE it encompasses
3) According to the NY Time article in 2021 "Epitomizes the word GIRTH.
4) I''m UNCUT
5) To add from reason number two; it's almost a fallacy, to clarify I mean, sure one may in fact have big dick energy, but with a little peon ricky martin ass cock; or the opposite reciprocal. Not only is it a rarity for me to have a big dicv encompassed with the big dick energy, but my cock is also aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I myself, in its entirety, also, aesthetically pleasing to the eye. So the aesthetics, me, and my cock (being that it's a separate entity within itself, OBVS).. or my cock, and I; the energy.. and my personality which may be a little bit on the narcissistic side, a lot- but remember in order for me to be the DOM that I am, balance is key- all of this what makes me a cut (or uncut) above. Remember that..