Just an aspiring independent game programmer going through somewhat of a metamorphosis in identity.
I love programming game engines and I'm also obsessed and excited by the prospect that I have the ability to feel attractive simply by exemplifying qualities similar to those which I personally find attractive. Fuck gender roles and fuck the patriarchy that perpetuates such toxic frivolity. It has not been until 2020 that I'd finally felt slightly empowered enough to embrace my "natural glow" and core progressive values even somewhat publicly, however.
For now, this is really just meant to act as a space, isolated from my other presences, into which I can dump content that makes me feel proud and worthy of being sought after. Chances are I will not advertise my page and thus I will not impose a subscription fee (I don't feel quite ready to explain that W-2 to the family member who currently acts as my tax accountant and general finance consultant). โกThanksโก