186.82. top,漆黑的战士,全網同名,来自台湾的动作片演员。是你的霸道攻,也是你的温柔男友。你好奇一个个平日体面矜持的男人如何在我胯下逐渐解放自我嗎?你想知道他們在與我進行性愛遊戲時有多飢渴、放蕩、淫穢和瘋狂嗎?订阅我,跟我一起探索他们的秘密。
Dark fighter, the porn actor from Taiwan. I can be your dom tough top, also would like to be the lovely boyfriend for you. Are you curious about those who act as the serious guys in the daily life releasing the real them hiding inside in front of me? Do you like to see how horny, slutty, obscene and crazy they are during the sex game with me? Join the member of my profile, let's explore the alluring sex wonderland now.
I promise I will release 3 new films every month (normally release on 6th/16th/26th).
The films I posted for the periodic subscription members were guaranteed not fragmented but the full-version ones(the related teasers will be released on my X @yahh66664), you can watch it unrestrictedly within the subscription period.