Sammy's PPV Site โฃ๏ธ FREE to subscribe !
This page allows you to purchase and collect the specific collabs and full-length videos that you want to watch exclusively, without having to subscribe to my Premium page (monthly subscription).
Perks to PPV page include select full-length collabs and solo videos available before they're released on my main OnlyFans. Many PPV collab videos are the UNCUT version, meaning more raw, unedited footage compared to CUT version on my monthly-sub OF.
๐ฅ No Monthly Fee !
๐ฅ No Long-term Commitment.
๐ฅ Early access to Extended Cut Videos.
๐ฅ Occasional Free Videos
๐ฅ DM me ! I respond to all messages. (:
๐ฅ Purchase worn undies, thongs, jocks, and sex toys...
So sub for free, and choose your own Sammy adventure. (;